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EF Intervention

Teen Intervention

We provide executive function intervention to teens and young adults to assist them in developing and achieving their goals as they prepare for adult life.  Whether they are focused on high school, college, employment, or community living....executive function skills are needed.

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Parent Consult

Parent Consultation

We recognize that sometimes parents may just require some professional assistance in order to help their child with executive function development.  As occupational therapists, we have a unique lens that can help navigate parents in the right direction for their child to succeed.

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Teletherapy Services

We offer the majority of our services through teletherapy as well as in person in order to make it more convenient for our client's busy schedules.  We utilize interactive platforms to maintain the traditional in-person experience.

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Adult intervention

Adult Intervention

We recognize that executive function needs are not limited to just teens.  We provide executive function intervention to adults who are looking for help in improving their lives, both personally and professionally.

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Our Services Include

(Dependent on Package)

Ongoing Communication 

We recognize that in between sessions our clients or their families may experience bumps in the road.  That is why we incorporate ongoing communication via text and email with a dedicated return time (package dependent).  We recognize that ongoing communication, while it may be brief, can greatly impact the achievement of our clients.

Flexible Scheduling

We have developed a packaging method of service delivery for a reason.  We have found that families and professionals may have more availability one week versus another, or their schedules may change week to week.  Providing them the opportunity to pay for a set amount of sessions and then allowing them to choose their weekly session provides them with more flexibility.


We incorporate dedicated calls into our intervention packages to address any ongoing questions or concerns that may come about.  Consults can be used to interact with family, extended family, or other professionals working with the client (school professionals, community professionals, etc.).

Online Portal

We provide a Hippa Compliant online portal for our clients  (dependent on package).  This allows us the opportunity to interact with our clients even when we are not in a 1:1 session.  Viewing completion of weekly assignments, sharing links or videos to promote learning / understanding, and creating at the moment documents or task analysis' are just some of the ways we are able to go the extra step and insert ourselves into helping our client develop their skills.

Book an initial call at a time to suit your schedule

Set up a free 15 minute inital call to talk with us and see if our services fit your needs.
